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日期:2017-06-02 15:05:17


  麦克斯韦物联网科技有限公司位于浙江省舟山市,是专业从事RFID物联网高频、超高频电子标签研发、生产、销售和技术服务于一体的公司,跟全球高频、超高频芯片厂商建立有紧密的合作关系。公司的主要产品包括: Inlay标签,抗金属标签,耐高温标签,陶瓷标签等。产品应用覆盖智能交通、仓储物流、生产制造,溯源追踪,商品防伪,资产管理和智慧医疗等领域。公司拥有专业的研发团队,致力于为用户提供定制化的产品研发、解决方案和技术服务。

  公司本着“For Reliable Tags”的企业使命,依托丰富的研发及生产经验,以用户需求为导向,开拓进取,不断开发新工艺、新产品,力争成为全球卓越的物联网RFID智能产品提供商。

  Located in Zhoushan, Zhejiang province, the Maxwell Internet-0f-Things Technology Co,Ltd. concentrates on the Manufacture, Development, Selling and Technical service of RFID productions, including HF and UHF. We have built up a tight partnership with global manufacturers of high-frequency and ultra-high-frequency chips. Major products of our company are Inlay Tags, Anti-metal Tags, Thermostable Tags and Ceramic Tags etc.. All of them have already been applied to various areas, like ITS, Warehousing logistics, Manufacturing, Anti-counterfeiting, Asset management and Wisdom medical, and so on. As a professional team, we aim at providing Individual products, Efficient solutions as well as Technical service for our customers.

  Directed by the spirit of "For Reliable Tags" , our company keeps on making improvements as well as developing new technology to satisfy our customers with the help of rich experience of developing and producing. Maxwell has always been working hard to join the best group of providers for intelligent products of Internet-of-things RFID.
