日期:2007-09-28 08:59:25
摘要:EPCglobal发布公告正式成立消费性电子行动群组,简称CE IAG。
EPCglobal发布公告正式成立消费性电子行动群组,简称CE IAG。
Join a global community of Consumer Electronics industry leaders who are collaborating to support the development and adoption process of technical standards specifically adapted for the Consumer Electronics supply chain.
EPCglobal is an integrated set of ratified standards including EPCIS which is currently operational and ready to be deployed allowing the: Identification of individual products Capturing of data Exchanging of information
Join a global community of Consumer Electronics industry leaders who are collaborating to support the development and adoption process of technical standards specifically adapted for the Consumer Electronics supply chain.
EPCglobal is an integrated set of ratified standards including EPCIS which is currently operational and ready to be deployed allowing the: Identification of individual products Capturing of data Exchanging of information