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ZEBRA RFID XiIIIPlus 智能标签打印机系列支持对Gen2 RFID 标签的编码

日期:2007-03-04 11:42:54
摘要:ZEBRA RFID XiIIIPlus 智能标签打印机系列支持对Gen2 RFID 标签的编码。与Gen1 RFID 标签相比,Gen2 有着显著的优越性:更大数据储存容量,更快的读写速度,更高的数据编密水平。Zebra Technologies在澳大利亚最大的分销商Peacock Bros已经上市可支持Gen2 RFID 标签的Xi 系列的智能标签RFID条形码打印编码器。Gen 2智能标签可在860MHz-960MHz频段内工作,可储存 512 位EPC编码。

ZEBRA Technologies’ RFID XiIIIPlus series smart label printers now have a 2nd Generation (Gen2) RFID tag encoding ability built-in as standard.

Zebra Technologies’ RFID printer encoders are now Gen 2 compliant.
The Gen2 RFID tags are far superior to the Gen1 version, offering more data storage, faster read/write speeds and higher levels of data encryption and are quickly replacing existing Gen 1 RFID smart tag operations.

Peacock Bros, Zebra Technologies largest importer and distributor of Zebra Printers in Australia and New Zealand, can now supply Xi series smart tag RFID barcode printer encoders Gen2 ready, making the upgrade to this new technology easy to facilitate.

Both the Zebra 110XiIII and 170XiIII RFID printers will have the Gen2 tag capability.

Gen 2 smart tags offer a wider operating frequency range of 860MHz to 960MHz and can store up to 512 bits of EPC as opposed to the maximum 64 bit storage capacity of the previous Gen 1 RFID tag.

Gen 2 smart RFID tags offer faster encoding speeds, only limited by the speed of the reader or encoder and include the ability to use 32 bit passwords to lock or protect the data encoded.

Zebra’s RFID Xi series are the only printer/encoders to embed ThingMagic's Mercury4e RFID reader module, which supports both multiple protocols and multiple antennas.

The Mercury4e uses advanced software defined radio technology to read any RFID tag, including all variants of EPC Class 1 and 0, as well as Matrics 0+, ISO 18000-06B and Phillips UCODE 1.19, with no compromise in accuracy or performance.

The standard ‘Program position’ feature also allows users to place transponders virtually anywhere within a smart tag embedded thermal label, and an RFID counter automatically keeps track of both the good and unusable labels.

Peacock Bros can also upgrade existing Gen 1 R110XiIIPlus and R170XiIIIPlus printer encoders to Gen 2 smart tag.

Peacock Bros are also the Australian distributor of UPMRafsec, one of the worlds leading RFID tag manufacturers producing Gen 2 smart tag embedded thermal barcode labels. Labels can be made to order to suit the most difficult environments.